2009 Elected Club Officials
Graham Macnamee
Dave Peck *
Club Secretary
Barbara Vance *
Sacha Hemans *
Ladies Rep
Lisa West
Time Trial Rep
Lisa West / Michael Keohane
Track Rep
Gavin Mitchell *
Open Event Organiser
Des Bennett
Road Race Rep
Dave Peck *
Surrey League Rep
Graham MacNamee *
Youth & Junior Rep
Gavin Mitchell *
Vets Rep
Simon Letch *
Also Committee Members - All officials are entitled to sit on the
Committee but this is not a requirement with the exception of the
Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who must be members of the Committee.
2009 Appointed Club Officials
Welfare Officers
Marcus Atkins / Jason Harris
2009 Elected Committee Members
Mike Cater / Ann Cater / Jason Harris / Corinne Knoesen
Committee Meetings 2009
Wednesday 4th February 09 |
Wednesday 8th April 09 |
Wednesday 3rd June 09 |
Wednesday 5th August 09 |
Wednesday 7th October 09 |
All Committee Meetings
start at 8pm unless otherwise stated. Any Member is welcome to take
part in any of the Committee Meetings without being elected to the
Committee but would not be eligible to take part in a vote.